Monday, November 23, 2009

The first time I visited Oregon was three years ago. I was here on my first thanksgiving break from college. What a feeling. I didn't know anyone here or where anything was. My parents were living out of a hotel room. They had only been here a month and were still unable to find anywhere to live. The very last day of my visit, they finally had that house. We ate at a Black Angus for our thanksgiving dinner, and later that day we started moving boxes in. That night, we slept on the floor, all four of us (my mom, dad, sister and myself) in the living room in sleeping bags in front of the fire place. The heat hadn't been turned on yet...with the holiday weekend and all...
But still, you know what seems so weird to me? The biggest difference? Not that they're now in a different house. Not that I'm now living here instead of just visiting. Not that everything in life seems to have changed for me...the thing that I'm missing? Is the rain. We've had a few showers...last Friday we had a bit of a storm...most of the rain has been at night. But most of the time? I'd say over half the days have been sunny and dry.
Why is that? When I came here first, the rivers were all overflowing. The river that my parents hotel was next to had run over its banks and flooded the bottom level of the hotel. Now the gutters aren't even full during this, the second wettest month of the year in Oregon.
I love the sunny, foggy mornings here...but I want the rain. I want that fresh, cool smell. I want to see that green moss grow brighter with the wet liquid food. Bring on the rain!!!