Saturday, September 4, 2010


What is the purpose of effective communication?

I have been taught my whole college career, and arguably earlier than that, that the purpose of communication was to relay a message from a sender to a receiver. Good communication is that which can be understood and processed and an exchange of ideas, thoughts or at least the interpretations of those thoughts can then be reciprocated. This, of course, goes for both verbal and non-verbal communication.

Simple examples:

Verbal communication-- "We will be studying, today, Chapter Two." This simple phrase, although spoken only by one person, shares a desired message which is easily and accurately interpreted by the recipients.

Non-verbal communication-- The students, recalling what they have read in Chapter Two (or at least processing that they understand that "chapter two" refers to a selection of pages in a book) either pull out a notebooks to take notes, pull out their textbooks or simply stare at the teacher. All of these actions are a form of non-verbal communication to the teacher to relate their level of understanding of the teacher's desires and/or their interpreted reaction to the desires of the above verbal communication.

Still with me??

I feel, at this point, that I am desperately in need of a good rant about the writing and teaching methods of many (and certainly a specific) college professor.

Teaching, if I am not mistaken, is a calling which requires you to have mastered the art of communication effectively. You need to be able to both relate to and teach your audience (also known as students). You need to be able to find what is applicable to them, creating a learning environment which will nurture their thought process and convince them either one, to agree with the ideas you are presenting to them or two, to disregard them as false.

Ineffective communication and teaching is disorganized, sporadic, self-emulating and filled with language (as in "speaking a foreign" and as in "words") which is not widely understood by the audience.

College is a time of concepts. It is a time of growth and achievement. It is a time when youth turns into adulthood and when new lengths and depths of the mind are challenged with thoughts and reactions that have before been unstimulated.

HOWEVER, that being said, when a professor teaches with ineffective communication techniques, not only is it ineffective in educating the students, it also deters and discourages them from learning information that they otherwise might need to possess or, even simply enjoy being in possession of.

Currently, I am taking a Cultural Anthropology class. Already, the teacher has violated one of my cardinal rules of bad teaching--never assign the students a text which you, yourself, have written. It seems to me that if you are an effective teacher, the students should then seek out more words from you to learn further from a good source, instead of being forced, without choice, to be subject further to your ideas (or am I wrong in this way of thinking??). In addition, his lectures are not only disorganized in structure, they are completely lacking in content. For 45 minutes (approximately, of course....sometimes more, sometimes less.....usually, though, more....)or more each class period we hear about field research that this professor did for ten years--reindeer herding in the Siberia's tundra, or about Caribou that he declined to shoot. Then, quizzed on differences in the ideas of holism, comparative method, cultural relativism and human evolutionary ecology, 88% of the class answered incorrectly. With such a poor outcome, one would think that there would be an understanding of the ineffectiveness of the communication on behalf of the teacher, not the inability of the student to retain information.

And yet the problem persists. This evening, upon reading this doctorate-holding professor's work, I have not only found multiple problems with spelling and grammar, but also with the structure and the content of the book which we are to understand and interpret as fact in the classroom.


  • Sentence--"Khantaiskoe Ozero is in a critical economic position, with few in the community still able to practice reindeer pastoralism and commercial fishing activities limited." Anyone catch that? Rather than "commercial fishing activities limited" the sentence should read, "commercial fishing activity is limited." Hmmm....small mistake? Maybe....
  • "Hunting and gathering was the dominant mode of production for 99 percent of human evolutionary history. Only relatively recently, in the last 10,000 years, have humans developed more intensive forms of production such as gardening (horticulture), keeping domestic animals (pastoralism) and intensive agriculture, upon which industrial societies are dependent." Okay....while this might not be a gross misrepresentation of facts, and the point of majority is communicated ("99 percent of human evolutionary history....last 10,000 years) consider this: Human remains have been positively identified to have existed 2.6 million years ago (that is, 2,600,000 years). In the last few weeks, there have been discoveries in Africa which may argue that humans (or a similar pre-evolutionary species) were around 3.2 million years ago (facts yet to be confirmed, so don't quote me.....but that is, 3,200,000 years) Can someone do the math for me, here? 10,000 is 1/260 of 2.6 million. The percentage of this is .384615384......... Now, I'm not a math major, but isn't that slightly less than one percent? As in, 16,000 years less than one percent....And, what exactly can happen in evolutionary (not to mention cultural) history in 16,000 years? I think that this is the point of Cultural Anthropology--to teach us that A WHOLE HECK OF A LOT can happen in that 16,000 years.
  • Sentence--"The Nganasan traditionally were wild-reindeer hunters, fishermen, and trappers, and they also kept domestic reindeer for transportation (Figure 1.4)" And so I turn to "Figure 1.4" which has a caption that reads, "Figure 1.4 Ekaterina Momde displaying her Nganasan winter parka at their remote fishing and hunting spot on the Dudypta River." The picture is of a young woman in a coat with a furry hood pulled over her head--snow in the background. Please, please correct me if I'm wrong, but the purpose of that sentence SEEMS to be relaying the idea that they used to be hunters and that they kept domestic reindeer for transportation, correct? I don't know of anywhere, in that whole paragraph (which I can copy down if any want to read) where it speaks of a) women as hunter gatherers (the Nganasan, like many cultures, are a patriarchal society), b) the use of skins, firs or hides or c) even anything about the weather or the climate during the times of hunting which would acquire such apparel. Are figures in text books not supposed to represent RELATIVE information in a portion of the text? Or, when cited in a portion of the text, are they simply a good substitute for facebook when you have a picture you would like to share with the masses?
  • Last example: However, their purchasing power has diminished by an order of magnitude since 1991, and most view their socioeconomic situation as continuing to worsen (Ziker 1998a: 213, Ziker and Shmetterling 1997: 84-85). The commodities produced by native hunters, such as Arctic-fox pelts, have lost considerable value since 1991 (Ziker 1998a: 211) The author's name, for the book, by the way, is John Ziker. Now go back and read these sentences again. In the course of two sentences, he has quoted his own articles THREE times. I'm sure, when he wrote the original articles, there was some source of discovery for him to come up with these "facts"....however, YOU CANNOT QUOTE YOURSELF IN AN OFFICIAL WORK AS AN AUTHORITY. Forgive me, but any semi-intelligent person can back up something that they have said with something else that they have or will say, can they not? Oh....but wait.....that would be dishonest....forget it.

....and I'm only on page eight.....

Remember the standardized testing that we all had to endure during elementary school and through the beginning of high school whihc ensure that we are all functioning at a minor level of literacy? The ones that ensured that "no child [was] left behind"? This professor's writing is like that--like some strange version of an ACT practice exam. "which sentence in paragraph eight does not belong?"

Perhaps I'm beating this point to the ground....nit-picking little inconsistencies or stretches of fact when, in reality, I can interpret the point that is being conveyed fairly accurately. And while it is true, these mistakes (along with multiple misplaced commas and sentence syntax errors) are small and I, too, am quite guilty of making the same and more mistakes, there is one major difference: I don't assign my readings, my findings, my own observations of culture to hundreds of students each semester. I don't prescribe them as ten years of research and facts, and then fail to properly edit and make concise my remarks and my writings. Those who read what I have to say do so by choice, because they come looking for it, interested in my view point and my ideas. And if no one wants to read it? All the more commentary on what I have to say and the way I communicate. Instead, these mistakes and stretching of facts are what I am paying $7,000+ to learn this semester.

Not only that, but the basics, the foundation of what this knowledge could mean (if only the information was surrendered by those in authority who know!) is not being accurately and effectively taught. Things like holism, comparative method, cultural relativism and human evolutionary ecology--things which I will be tested on and principles which will establish the foundations of my learning--are lost in stories about caribou which, however interesting in casual conversation, are not essential if we do not understand their contextual importance.

And now I submit:




So what is communication? Communication is the ability to clearly and accurately relay your intentions to another. I do not expect or demand perfection from my teachers. Those teachers whose classes I have enjoyed most are those who have taught me that humanity comes with a full view of its flaws, both individual and societal. However, I do demand simple accuracy and attention to detail in my learning. I do not expect my teachers to be perfect, but I do expect for one to know his or her limits, and not to assume that because he/she is in possession of a degree of exalted education that he/she is either socially or strategically competent to teach or communicate clearly. As a student, I do not think that it is too much to demand the respect of that type of learning environment.

How sad is that when, instead of inspired, students are instead repulsed by a history which adds insight the question we all continually ask: "Why?"

I want to be able to answer "why".

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Is what I want impossible? Could it all just be a dream? I wrote long ago that the greatest battle I will have to face in life is knowing myself...but that is wrong...the greatest battle I will have is in knowing my desire is not that of another. It is in knowing that everything that I love and cherish and want will not be mine because it is not my decision to make or for my effort to bring about--for I have already made my selfish choice.

Then again, we do always tend to think that the hardest thing is that which we are dealing with right now.

Sunday, May 30, 2010


I have the sudden impulse to do something dangerous, something stupid....something to get my heart pumping and to put me into hyper-speed. I want to run. I want to fly. I want to jump and soar. I want to say all those things to all those people that I've always wanted to say but have been stopped because of proriety.
I wouldn't say I feel self-distructive right now....I just feel this need to do things how I really want to, bluntly and in the reality of the situation. I want to push where I should stand still. I want to fight where I should cede.

Friday, May 14, 2010

...just in time for the roses to die....what ironic timing....

Thursday, April 29, 2010


I wrote a letter today to someone....and while I was doing it, I realized how much I miss being a pen pal! Remember when I was writing like 2 or 3 missionaries regularly? That time of my life was amazing! It was so fun! I wish I still had a pen pal....I miss it....that may just be my new hobby....letter writing....I like it.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Cake and Pie

I had a conversation about a year ago with a friend....let's call him Daven....about having your cake and eating it too. He is firmly against the idea of this being a posibility. He believes that this is a perfect truth because there is no way you can possibly hope to have a cake, and eat it.
I tried to argue with him about this. I tried several theories with him. I tried the "what if you only ate part of the cake" theory. He didn't buy that. He said that then you wouldn't really HAVE the cake, and it would detract from the beauty of it. I then tried the "what if you had two cakes and ate one and looked at the other" theory. He disagreed and said that then you wouldn't have the same cake that you loved so it's not the same thing. You can't have THAT cake that you just ate.
Finally, I told him that I didn't really like cake.....and that I'd rather have pie.
Right now....that's what I have. I have pie. I love pie. I like pie a lot better than I like cake, in fact. It's invigorating. It's delicious. It's flavorful. It's comfortable. It's complex. But....that doesn't solve the problem of me wanting cake in my life.....and cake or pie....I still can't have it both ways.

........... mom makes this has a cake mix for the crust. It is amazing. That is what I want. I want my cake. I want my pie. And I want to fully consume them both.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.



Monday, April 12, 2010


Sometimes, there are people who come into your life unexpectedly. These people are different than others. Important in some way...for some reason. You look at them and there is a closeness to self, a sameness. An instinctive undersatnding. Sometimes these people stay and you are able to discover just what significance they have in your life. Others go away and the memory of them fades with time. You no longer remember how you could look into their eyes and see bits and pieces of yourself mixed in with other things that were foreign, strange, exciting. Instead they just become a name from some long forgotten past life. A chance that you could have had--a choice--that passed.
There's someone like that in my life right now. I don't know why. I can't really explain it. But I just know that this perosn is important to me. It's instinctive. But what will happen? This person will move on, go away, and become someone that I used to know, once, from that one place I lived for a short time.
I wonder sometimes if people ever feel this, too. If I ever show up and someone thinks, " I know her? I sure want to. She's important."
Maybe it's just that I haven't lived enough life, yet, to see these things come full circle. Maybe, someday, all these important people who have crossed my path will some day show themselves again and then, finally, I'll understand those feelings. Or maybe these people really do represent the opportunities that my life could have were I to make a different choice.
But what if I were to fight for some of these people? I have before. And never won. But the people who have been important (and, I mean more than familiar....more than friends. Really IMPORTANT. I don't know of a different way to describe it...) who have stayed of their own choice? Man....have they been impactful.
I don't really know where I'm going with this....except that it's interesting to wonder and think about. If yesterday could happen again and if I had been different or the situations had been somehow different...if not my own choice but that of an important person had been different, how would I be different now? ....would I be having these thoughts about how important people are to me in life? Or would I just know that, to someone, I'm that important person, too.
What-ifs are useless unless you put them into a practice for our future.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

If an obsticle is what keeps you apart, then what ever could be strong enough to keep you together?

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Last week, my mom found out what her baby is going to be! It's a girl! Anyone have name ideas?


So...I've made the decision to move to Boise this fall. I'm pretty much excited. Teeny bit nervous. I'm worried about not having anyone to live with when I get there. I'd of course LOVE to have my own apartment....but let's be serious, that's financially not really possible.

Anyone know someone who's looking?

This is, like, my 4th college now that I'm going to? It's about time I buckle down and just stay in one place long enough to actually graducate....and to actually take the classes....and I'm worried that if I work, then I'll just have a little bit of a freak out and want to just work instead of go to school...It's happened. plan right now is to just go to school, live off of scholarships and student loans, and then figure out the rest later.

Is that even a good idea, though? So far, I have a 3/4 tuition scholarship....which is good...and I think I can get another scholarship to finish it out...and then I still have to worry about books.....and housing....and food....oh, yeah.....and my car....

I remember my first year at school....things were so simple! I walked everywhere, never did much as far as recreation....watched a whole bunch of movies....and, thinking back on it, was quite happy! It was a simple life. Why do I have to like nice things, now? A sprees...can't I just go back?

Maybe that's what this new move will be....again....

But what if I didn't move? What if I chose instead to stay? Am I giving up on an opportunity that is worthwhile? Let's say I stayed....I'd have a place to live--my parents are moving anyway, and have been looking for places with a separate apartment attached, I'd not have to worry about food costs aside from buying stuff that I specifically wanted....I could still go to school....Portland State has open enrollment....of course, I'd miss out on mucho scholarships....but the price of tuition is a lot cheaper, too. Plus, I have a job that is flexible. I could totally go to school in the morning and work at night....or work in the mornings and go to school at night. Part time, fairly okay pay....

But, am I happy here? I don't know. And what would it take to make me happy here? I don't know that, either. Maybe if I did, then I would have a starting place....or maybe just a stopping.

But for now, I'm excited at the prospect of something new....excited to start a new chapter in my life....


Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I heard this song for the first time tonight while watching an operatic musical from the 1930s. The way that they sing it and the way that it just kind of's wonderful! And the movie is HILARIOUS! If anyone gets the chance to watch it, do! It's amazing.

Ah! The sweet mystery
Of life at last I've found thee
Ah! At last I know the secret of it all!
All the longing, seeking, striving, waiting, yearning
The burning hopes, the joy and idle tears that fall
I've a very strange feeling I've never felt before
'Tis a kind of grind of depression
My heart's aching strangly; it feels rather sore
At least it gives me that impression
My pulses leap madly without any cause
Believe me I'm telling you truly
I'm gay without pause
Then sad without pause
Yes, I'm falling in love with someone,
Plain to see
I'm sure I could love someone madly
If only someone would love me.

--Naughty Marietta (1935)

I just love old movies/musicals!!!

Saturday, February 13, 2010


I'm sitting here, watching Enchanted. There are several scenes in it when the evil queen's hunchman is trying to kill Giselle. As we all know, at the end, the hunchman (Nathaniel) ends up turning on the queen, denouncing his feelings for her and blaming her for the terror that has been caused. What would have happened if the he had succeeded, though? What would have happened if Giselle was killed by that very first candied apple and Nathaniel had gone back home. He probably would have lived out his life as a survant, always pining for what he wanted and never being happy with what he had. He would have lived at the foot of evil and never even had that satisfaction of tasting of that power himself. Instead, he turned good. Wrote an inspirational book.....etc, etc, etc.
Is it possible, then, that sometimes our biggest obsticle is our own success? That, sometimes, our acheivements in life are the very things that hold us back from another potential? One that, perhaps is less glorious, and perhaps is not the one we had in mind, but is one that we are better to fulfill? Sometimes, maybe it's good to fail.
Thoughts, anyone?

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Why is it that we limit ourselves? We stay close to the familiar. We keep to ourselves. Why is that? Why is it that we don't take the opportunity of the open road? I want to fly! I want to run! I want to jump into the river and ride it all the way to mother sea. But I don't. Even my escape plan for the day--my chance to get away and have "me" time takes me only a few blocks away....but even as I am wanting to move...even as I frustratingly bang my fists on the metaphorical door, screaming to get out, to change, to be done...I can't. I won't. My feet do not move.

I am an island.

I told a friend today that I wished for love. Every day, at 11:11, I make a wish. I figure that, with all of those wishes floating around in the cosmos, one of them is bound to come true.
I've been thinking about that wish today. About love. About how and why I want it. About what it means.
But I know what it means. Because I have it. I can wish for it and wish for it...and it'll be like wishing for rain here in Oregon. It comes. I have it. It's not always raining...but that moisture is always there. There's always the residual. Always the effect.
I've wondered for a long time why I'm not loved. What is it about me that seems to distance myself? My own personal motto has turned into "boy did the poets ever get this really can be his (or in my case, her) own island."
And maybe I am. Maybe I am an island. Floating there in the sea. Solitary. One to my own. But you know what that means? That means that, at night, I am the last one that to whom the sun grants his kiss. That means that I shine out on an ocean of sameness as one hope for human life. That means that, within the arms of my shores, I hold a world different from any other. That means that what and who I am is preserved--waiting and pleading and desiring to be discovered.
And love? Isn't that what love is? Hope for life. Hope for the good things in life. Hope for all those things that make us who we are?
I'm not unlovable, though I am alone. I have amazing friends and an amazing family. I have the love of those people who support me every day simply by being there when I call.
And maybe it's not everything...maybe it's not what I want. But it's something...something amazing. And for now? It's going to be enough. Because even though that island may be going through a time of drought and still represents that hope. And, someday, that hope will be mine.