I'm sitting here, watching Enchanted. There are several scenes in it when the evil queen's hunchman is trying to kill Giselle. As we all know, at the end, the hunchman (Nathaniel) ends up turning on the queen, denouncing his feelings for her and blaming her for the terror that has been caused. What would have happened if the he had succeeded, though? What would have happened if Giselle was killed by that very first candied apple and Nathaniel had gone back home. He probably would have lived out his life as a survant, always pining for what he wanted and never being happy with what he had. He would have lived at the foot of evil and never even had that satisfaction of tasting of that power himself. Instead, he turned good. Wrote an inspirational book.....etc, etc, etc.
Is it possible, then, that sometimes our biggest obsticle is our own success? That, sometimes, our acheivements in life are the very things that hold us back from another potential? One that, perhaps is less glorious, and perhaps is not the one we had in mind, but is one that we are better to fulfill? Sometimes, maybe it's good to fail.
Thoughts, anyone?
6 years ago
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